Cloaking Clouds

Friday, 28 November 2014

The Rich will Always become Richer, if Allowed

In the late 12th century England's people were on the verge of revolution.

Under the oppression of being severely taxed the peoples of London and the surrounding area started secretly storing weapons in London. They were preparing for a war against their oppressors. 

The reasons for the taxes? War and the 3rd Crusade under their King...King Richard, Richard the Lion Heart, who some people today believe was the good king and was usurped by his brother John. Not so. 

Richard died of Gangrene from an arrow wound. King Richards greed is what caused the wound. After besieging the castle of Chaluz in Limousin where he laid claim to a treasure that did not exist because he had already drained his coffers.

Some people like to believe this was the time of Robin Hood. Others know differently, but this is not my point.

My point to this little history lesson is this, after many years of oppression under the taxation for sending a King to war with France or Germany or on the 3rd Crusade the people of England had enough. They revolted. 

Can we see history repeating itself in the near future? 

After over 800 years you would think that the governments of this world would realize that those who HAVE should be taxed and those who HAVE NOT should not be taxed as much.

After over 800 years you would think that the governments of this world would realize that those taxes should be going to things worth spending money on. 

Some examples would be educating our next generation. How about educating them on how to proved better energy resources? How about educating them on equality for all? How about educating them on tolerance? How about just EDUCATING them in general.

From where I stand we teach ignorance, inequality and bigotry. Which leads to bullying, which then leads to school shootings and suicides.

How about spending those taxes on our health care? Would taking care of the elderly, who worked to proved these great resources we now have, not be beneficial to all? Would taking care of our veterans not be respectful of what they have given up for us? Would taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves not make sense instead of them living off the streets, eating out of garbage cans?

From where I stand we allow our elderly, veterans and ill to suffer needlessly.

How about spending the taxes on the people instead of on wars? Wars on the other side of the world and wars in our own countries. We keep fighting because of inequality. Inequality that has not changed in over 800 years. 

I speak about countries like Norway where their education and health care are provided and I have people say "well yeah, but they have half their checks taken from them for taxes."

You are not listening to the numbers. Their minimum wages are $5 or more higher than ours, so basically they are taking home the same amount of money or more than we are and still getting the benefits we want to see. 

They have learned in the last 800 years that they HAVE to take care of the little people. The little people out number the rich, we know this, if they do not take care of the little people the little people get mad...and when that happens...well, every major country in Europe has felt a revolution at one time or another. 

The financial inequality that is happening in the U.S. is going to boil over very soon if the government does not start MAKING those who HAVE the Koch's, the Walton's, etc. start paying living wages and start paying their fair share in taxes.   

The little people have never tried to overpowered the government and the rich in North America. While the rich and the government have had military backing them, I wouldn't count on them when you have done nothing to protect your veterans when they come home.

The United States of America has had a civil war, yes, but it has never had a revolution like England, France, Russia, etc have. You keep hearing how the little pee-ons out number the rich, you keep seeing the damage that happens when one white cop kills a black teenager. 

What is going to happen when Wal-mart employees do not get those raises? What is going to happen when your Republican government gives the rich more power, more tax breaks and taxes the hell out of the pee-ons? It is a pot waiting to boil over.

And Mr. Harper, what is Canada going to do? You are sending Canada down this same path by allowing the rich tax breaks and leaving the poor with nothing? Are we going to head down this road as well or are you going to stop it now and start taking a good look at countries like Norway who have set an example on how to treat the little people and make the changes that need to be made before it is too late?

Good Luck.  

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Ministry of Social Services Needs overhaul in Saskatchewan

There are some departments in the Government of Saskatchewan that just need to be privatized from liquor to highways to insurance, but then there are those who need huge over hauls in Saskatchewan like the Ministry of Social Services.

While more on site social workers are desperately needed there is a bloating going on at the higher levels, I know my worker could probably use another in her area as she travels to surrounding areas, but the bloating happening at the higher levels where the offices are inflated with people doing the same jobs as the on site social workers who are working their butts off. The on site workers are essential.

When a person has to report their income twice to same Ministry there is a problem. Some of the programs the Ministry of Social Services in Saskatchewan are responsible for are Saskatchewan Assured Income for the Disabled, SAID. (It could take some lessons from AISH in Alberta.) Saskatchewan Assistance Program, SAP. Saskatchewan Employment Supplement, SES. Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement, SRHS and there are others but I won’t go on as you can see there are options for help, however the paperwork is enormous and not just at first…but constant especially when you qualify for more than one program, which no one will not tell you if you do or not, so you will live without for months or years living on less than the poverty line only to find out later from a stranger that you would qualify for another program as well.

I am on disability. I receive SAID and if you do not know, you have to qualify for this. My common-law works at a very low paying job as many employers in the area will not hire him because he has broken disks in his back which caused a degenerative disease from his previous job here in Saskatchewan and his union did nothing to help him, so we also qualify for another program run under the Ministry called Saskatchewan Employment Supplement, SES.

I originally moved to Saskatchewan to help him after he was hurt. I love the country, it helps me with my mental disease and I care about my friends enough to help when I can, something has grown between us and we have been honest about this with my worker.

Because of my disability, I receive just over $500/month from CPPD. I was receiving just over $300 from the SAID program before we changed our status. Now I receive $0 to $60/month depending on his wages which are less than $630 every two weeks (aprox. $1260/m take home)…Definitely no where near the average weekly wage of $800 that drew him to Saskatchewan in the first place 8 years ago and no, he was absolutely no where near making that at his last job either before he was hurt…With the SES program we will receive another $190-$250/month…which is basically what I lost from SAID.

We have to sign documents allowing these programs access of information to the other programs we are on, so it confuses me to the extent of paperwork we have to do to please this ministry.

Every month my partner drops off his pay stubs to be photocopied at my SAID workers office so they can decide how much I will receive from them and every month I have to call SES with the GROSS amount he made that month, plus every 3 months SES audits everything.  

This is extravagant governmental waste at its worst. Why make things difficult by making people screw around with departments within one ministry?

Is this just another ploy for the Saskatchewan Government to make things so difficult for the poor and disabled that they just give up and leave the province and find an easier province to live in?

I have it no where near as bad as some people in Saskatchewan but personally, I think it is time someone started speaking up and demanding answers as to why the waste of taxes to pay for so many people punching the same numbers into the Ministry of Social Services files. My family should have 1 file and be under 2 programs in that file. My income and my common-laws income should be entered into that file once a month by one worker. My audits should be done once a year or when my income changes to a great degree. If any income that is not taxable is not be included as income, like Child Tax Credit, then ALL income that is not taxable should not be included as income. What I receive from Canada Pension for my daughter is not taxable, but is still deducted from my SAID checks each month.

It makes it a more positive place to be when you can say there is low unemployment and high paying jobs in the province of Saskatchewan.

Not having unemployed people in your province happens when 1) you refuse to put in low income housing** where there is dire need of workers, like in Kindersley, Saskatchewan for example…and 2) the people on unemployment (whether it be from regular benefits which are A LOT longer than sick/disability benefits…which never really made sense to me), are kicked off but have not found another job yet.

**Low income housing is not $300,000 homes for the new guy in the oil patch; Low income housing is AFFORDABLE to those working those minimum paying jobs you refuse to fill with Canadian workers.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Panic Attacks: When No one Believes

It is difficult for me to understand myself how to deal with my panic attacks, but for someone close to me to understand is near impossible.

I have family members who think that I should just get off my ass and find a job. Others believe I am faking my disability and still others who think that there are those who know how to use the system and that I am one of those who know how.

None have seen me literally go into a panic attack at the thought of volunteering one day a week with my daughter. None have seen the panic attacks happen when someone has been kind enough to offer me a full time job with benefits. They do not understand the issues that come with mental disease and the side effects.

A dear friend of mine was telling me how there is a job opening in his company near where I live. He thought it was a great opportunity for me and was excited at the thought of me being able to do this knowing how difficult my situation is financially. It is full time and would eventually have benefits. I know he meant well, but as his excitement grew I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes ready to pour over, my chest started to ache and my shoulders started to feel like mountains had just crumbled down onto them. I couldn't get enough oxygen into my lungs and when I did get a breath in, it felt like a fire was burning in them.

This is my panic attack. Not because I would have to get off my lazy ass, because I can’t cope with the thought of being a part of the world at this time in my life and it has been happening for many years off and on.

Many people do not understand the excruciating pain someone feels when they are going through a panic attack. I don’t understand why, but that is exactly what happens at the thought of putting me out there.

I would love to be able to afford to take my children to California again, in order to do that I would have to return to work. I would love to be able to buy new appliances; again I would have to return to work. I am so scared to return to work that panic attacks happen constantly at the thought. Even now working on this blog the tears are starting to well up and the chest is starting to heave.

I am trying my best to get back out into the world. One day at a time. Holding off the panic attacks is the hardest part though and with trying to move too fast too soon it could actually set me back.

Many in my family do not understand this, so when I have family members accusing me of being difficult, stubborn and selfish, because I will not be apart of other family members lives I disassociate from all of them as none of them have ever really been supportive, only ever seeing that I “use” the system. They have never gotten to know me well enough or see me before I am medicated after having a panic attack.

But panic attacks are the daily issue when I am trying to integrate myself back into society. I have tried doing this several times since going on a disability and every time I have slipped because of the pressure to succeed from family and some friends that I have had to walk away from.

I succeeded for a couple of years by joining a bowling league in Medicine Hat, but because of the pressure to take bigger steps several issues came up, the biggest being that I went into a Bi-Polar manic episode and started spending too much money, along with other things. By the time I realized what I had done, I ended up in a suicidal state. 

I thank God that my children’s father and his mother are fantastic people who are always willing to be there when our children need them and their understanding of what I was going through that they knew and believed I needed the time to get better.**

My son saw panic attacks and thought they were normal, if he had stayed living with me I do not know where he would be now. Living with a parent and grandparent that were stable gave my son the ground work to succeed. Now he is on his way to graduating this year, working and driving like any normal teenager. 

I don’t think my son remembers how many times he crawled into bed with me to comfort me through panic attacks. I would try to make a game of it, tenting the blankets, but tears would be falling and the pressure on my chest would hurt so much.

My daughter is old enough now to understand that I have a mental disease; she understands that mom cries sometimes because of that disease but that it isn't her fault and she understands that there are warning signs to my depression. She also has a life, volunteering at a library, visiting with friends and doing fantastic at school.

We, my daughter and I, are trying to get set up so we can volunteer at the Salvation Army on Saturdays, but the thought of doing this keeps causing panic attacks.

Going to one of my children’s school for parent teacher interviews or just to talk to a teacher can cause a panic attack. Meeting new people or going into a stressful situation where I know there will be conflict can cause a panic attack.

I am trying again to live my life, it is difficult with the panic attacks, honestly I have been dealing with one while writing this blog, but I know that hiding isn't living.

Dealing with people who choose to believe that you are not who you say you are, is not something you need to do when you are mentally ill. When you have family who try to guilt you into spending time with people who believe this of you, you have to say good-bye to all of them until they are willing to accept you for who you are.

It is not your responsibility to accept people for being judgmental; it is their responsibility to accept you for who you are.

**I am very grateful to my children’s grandmother for the support she gave me and our children when the kids went to live in Calgary. You are an amazing person as well as grandparent to all your grandchildren. You have taken in all of your grandchildren at points in time to raise and for that, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Donna for being there to help care, nurture and raise our children it has meant the world to me.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Saskpower Start Doing Your Jobs!

We all know Saskatchewan does not want people who cannot afford to replace appliances that break down, BUT we are here and I am tired of listening to Brad Wall tell the people of Saskatchewan AND the World that this province is prosperous when people are literally breaking their backs trying to replace things like refrigerators, freezers, stoves, dryers, washers and microwaves by going to the dumps to pick parts out of garbaged ones.

I have severely had enough with Saskpower not doing anything about the power surges in our area...and as far as I know across the province, anywhere oil and gas wells are going and more people are building new housing and businesses while older infrastructure is in dire need of replacement.

With the new infrastructure Saskpower is not taking into account the damage it is causing on the older infrastructure and because they are so big and a publicly owned company NO ONE will speak out about the damage that it is causing.

It took them a YEAR to replace the lightening arrestor coming to our house, even then it took them several days to get someone out here to do the work and it took us complaining it was sparking in a severe rain storm.

The times I have been told of refrigerators, deep freezers, ovens, microwaves, radios…the list goes on…going on the fritz and need replacing or a repairman to come work on them because of the power flickering constantly is too often to count.

We personally cannot afford to replace the appliances that have broken down on numerous occasions, but have gone to the Salvation Army to beg for discounted dryers, who have been generous enough to replace two in the last 2 years, it is degrading.

Our refrigerator has been pieced back together by parts from the dumps by fridges that others have gotten rid of because they too have had to replace caused by the constant flickering of power. The Sally Anne doesn't carry fridges. 

In July I bought a cheaper microwave with my GST/HST check as we had been going without for about a month, it crashed and burned after the power flickered on and off several times within a few minutes time, not a serious inconvenience but it was an inconvenience all the same.

I treated us to a newer under the counter radio that cost me around $30 on sale last year and have been waiting for the old one to die. The old one was on its last leg because of the power surging that keeps happening. I put the new one up on Thursday night, last night it was working wonderfully, this morning (Sunday) the power surged once and it is now dead; what a waste. Power bars with surge protectors cost money that those of us who live on limited incomes cannot afford and do not always work for major appliances.

As I said, we are not the only one that has had issues. Extra Foods in Kindersley has had constant issues with their coolers and freezers going on the fritz. The grocery store close to us in Plenty, Saskatchewan has had many issues with their freezers and coolers breaking down and many people have had to replace their appliances in the area…check the dumps across the province and you can see for yourself how least until the government cleans the appliances out of all the dumps to prove a lowly pee-on like me wrong.

These issues constantly happen after the power surging. The power surges and flickering are happening because Saskatchewan is NOT updating the older infrastructure as they build the new or allow more and more wells for oil and gas to be put in all over the area.

You don’t want the poor and disabled in your province. We cannot give you anything, only take, right?

We cannot afford thousands of dollars like oil and gas workers or government workers to replace our older homes or the old appliances they came with and the piddly rebates you offer are just that...dinky rebates that do not help those of us that cannot afford to buy new furnaces, hot water tanks or appliances in the first place. 

We cannot afford to live on the minimum wages and your Saskatchewan Employment Supplement when we have to keep putting out exorbitant amounts of money out for appliances that are needed to keep our food from spoiling or to cook it or to clean our cloths so our children are not teased at school for being filthy. 

When your province is doing so well like you say it is it should be replacing the old infrastructure as it builds new, especially when that new infrastructure is supposed to be bringing in a lot of money…those oil and gas wells along with the people that build and take care of them should be bringing in the big bucks to pay for improving the old and bringing in the new.

You want me to leave like the rest of the disabled, but I think what needs to be done Mr. Wall is someone needs to start speaking out on how the disabled and poor of your province are being treated. 

I am sick of hearing you tell the world how great your province is when there are those in your province suffering worse then myself.

This is not my only issue with your province, I have blogged about your roads and the damage my car has received because of them, from cracks and chips in the windshield that I cannot afford to fix to a dent in the radiator pan from the ruts. How about the exorbitant prices of the internet here in Saskatchewan because Sasktel is publicly owned and decides who is also allowed to offer services to rural customers...who then are also allowed to gouge customers...

But I digress...

My point is Brad Wall and his government need to start making SaskPower update the old infrastructure so these power surges and power flickers STOP happening so people stop having to replace appliances, hot water tanks and furnaces that they cannot afford to replace.