Cloaking Clouds

Friday, 28 November 2014

The Rich will Always become Richer, if Allowed

In the late 12th century England's people were on the verge of revolution.

Under the oppression of being severely taxed the peoples of London and the surrounding area started secretly storing weapons in London. They were preparing for a war against their oppressors. 

The reasons for the taxes? War and the 3rd Crusade under their King...King Richard, Richard the Lion Heart, who some people today believe was the good king and was usurped by his brother John. Not so. 

Richard died of Gangrene from an arrow wound. King Richards greed is what caused the wound. After besieging the castle of Chaluz in Limousin where he laid claim to a treasure that did not exist because he had already drained his coffers.

Some people like to believe this was the time of Robin Hood. Others know differently, but this is not my point.

My point to this little history lesson is this, after many years of oppression under the taxation for sending a King to war with France or Germany or on the 3rd Crusade the people of England had enough. They revolted. 

Can we see history repeating itself in the near future? 

After over 800 years you would think that the governments of this world would realize that those who HAVE should be taxed and those who HAVE NOT should not be taxed as much.

After over 800 years you would think that the governments of this world would realize that those taxes should be going to things worth spending money on. 

Some examples would be educating our next generation. How about educating them on how to proved better energy resources? How about educating them on equality for all? How about educating them on tolerance? How about just EDUCATING them in general.

From where I stand we teach ignorance, inequality and bigotry. Which leads to bullying, which then leads to school shootings and suicides.

How about spending those taxes on our health care? Would taking care of the elderly, who worked to proved these great resources we now have, not be beneficial to all? Would taking care of our veterans not be respectful of what they have given up for us? Would taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves not make sense instead of them living off the streets, eating out of garbage cans?

From where I stand we allow our elderly, veterans and ill to suffer needlessly.

How about spending the taxes on the people instead of on wars? Wars on the other side of the world and wars in our own countries. We keep fighting because of inequality. Inequality that has not changed in over 800 years. 

I speak about countries like Norway where their education and health care are provided and I have people say "well yeah, but they have half their checks taken from them for taxes."

You are not listening to the numbers. Their minimum wages are $5 or more higher than ours, so basically they are taking home the same amount of money or more than we are and still getting the benefits we want to see. 

They have learned in the last 800 years that they HAVE to take care of the little people. The little people out number the rich, we know this, if they do not take care of the little people the little people get mad...and when that happens...well, every major country in Europe has felt a revolution at one time or another. 

The financial inequality that is happening in the U.S. is going to boil over very soon if the government does not start MAKING those who HAVE the Koch's, the Walton's, etc. start paying living wages and start paying their fair share in taxes.   

The little people have never tried to overpowered the government and the rich in North America. While the rich and the government have had military backing them, I wouldn't count on them when you have done nothing to protect your veterans when they come home.

The United States of America has had a civil war, yes, but it has never had a revolution like England, France, Russia, etc have. You keep hearing how the little pee-ons out number the rich, you keep seeing the damage that happens when one white cop kills a black teenager. 

What is going to happen when Wal-mart employees do not get those raises? What is going to happen when your Republican government gives the rich more power, more tax breaks and taxes the hell out of the pee-ons? It is a pot waiting to boil over.

And Mr. Harper, what is Canada going to do? You are sending Canada down this same path by allowing the rich tax breaks and leaving the poor with nothing? Are we going to head down this road as well or are you going to stop it now and start taking a good look at countries like Norway who have set an example on how to treat the little people and make the changes that need to be made before it is too late?

Good Luck.  

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