We all know Saskatchewan does not want people who cannot afford to replace appliances that break down, BUT we are here and I am tired of listening to Brad Wall tell the people of Saskatchewan AND the World that this province is prosperous when people are literally breaking their backs trying to replace things like refrigerators, freezers, stoves, dryers, washers and microwaves by going to the dumps to pick parts out of garbaged ones.
I have severely had enough with Saskpower not doing anything
about the power surges in our area...and as far as I know across the province, anywhere oil and gas wells are going and more people are building new housing and businesses while older infrastructure is in dire need of replacement.
With the new infrastructure Saskpower is not taking into
account the damage it is causing on the older infrastructure and because they are
so big and a publicly owned company NO ONE will speak out about the damage that
it is causing.
It took them a YEAR to replace the lightening arrestor coming
to our house, even then it took them several days to get someone out here to do
the work and it took us complaining it was sparking in a severe rain storm.
The times I have been told of refrigerators, deep freezers,
ovens, microwaves, radios…the list goes on…going on the fritz and need
replacing or a repairman to come work on them because of the power flickering constantly is too often to count.
We personally cannot afford to replace the appliances that
have broken down on numerous occasions, but have gone to the Salvation Army to
beg for discounted dryers, who have been generous enough to replace two in the
last 2 years, it is degrading.
Our refrigerator has been pieced back together by parts from
the dumps by fridges that others have gotten rid of because they too have had
to replace caused by the constant flickering of power. The Sally Anne doesn't carry fridges.
In July I bought a cheaper microwave with my GST/HST check
as we had been going without for about a month, it crashed and burned
after the power flickered on and off several times within a few minutes time, not a serious inconvenience but it was an inconvenience all the same.
I treated us to a
newer under the counter radio that cost me around $30 on sale last year and have been waiting for the old one to die. The old one was
on its last leg because of the power surging that keeps happening. I put the new one up on Thursday night, last night
it was working wonderfully, this morning (Sunday) the power surged once and it is now
dead; what a waste. Power bars with surge protectors cost money that those of us who live on limited incomes cannot afford and do not always work for major appliances.
As I said, we are not the only one that has had issues.
Extra Foods in Kindersley has had constant issues with their coolers and
freezers going on the fritz. The grocery store close to us in Plenty,
Saskatchewan has had many issues with their freezers and coolers breaking down and
many people have had to replace their appliances in the area…check the dumps across the province and you can see for yourself how many...at least until the government cleans the appliances out of all the dumps to prove a lowly pee-on like me wrong.
These issues constantly happen after the power surging. The
power surges and flickering are happening because Saskatchewan is NOT updating the older
infrastructure as they build the new or allow more and more wells for oil and gas to be put in all over the area.
You don’t want the poor and disabled in your province. We cannot give you anything, only take, right?
We cannot afford thousands of dollars like oil and gas workers or government workers to replace our older homes or the old appliances they came with and the piddly rebates you offer are just that...dinky rebates that do not help those of us that cannot afford to buy new furnaces, hot water tanks or appliances in the first place.
We cannot afford to live on the minimum wages and your Saskatchewan Employment Supplement when we have to keep putting out exorbitant amounts of money out for appliances that are needed to keep our food from spoiling or to cook it or to clean our cloths so our children are not teased at school for being filthy.
When your province is doing so well like you say it is it should be replacing
the old infrastructure as it builds new, especially when that new
infrastructure is supposed to be bringing in a lot of money…those oil and gas
wells along with the people that build and take care of them should be bringing in the big bucks to pay for improving the old and bringing in the new.
You want me to leave like the rest of the disabled, but I think what needs to be done Mr. Wall is someone needs to start speaking out on how the disabled and poor of your province are being treated.
I am sick of hearing you tell the world how great your province is when there are those in your province suffering worse then myself.
This is not my only issue with your province, I have blogged about your roads and the damage my car has received because of them, from cracks and chips in the windshield that I cannot afford to fix to a dent in the radiator pan from the ruts. How about the exorbitant prices of the internet here in Saskatchewan because Sasktel is publicly owned and decides who is also allowed to offer services to rural customers...who then are also allowed to gouge customers...
But I digress...
My point is Brad Wall and his government need to start
making SaskPower update the old infrastructure so these power surges and power
flickers STOP happening so people stop having to replace appliances, hot water tanks and furnaces that they cannot
afford to replace.
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