Cloaking Clouds

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Ebola: Wanna help? Stay There!

We know deadly viruses go missing from the CDC.

Another case of missing deadly virus in France…

We handled the SARS epidemic well; air traffic was contained even though Toronto was going to lose millions. Canada and Toronto made sure that the spread of SARS was controlled, but that was when it came from another wealthy country. China had physicians and money to get control on their end of the epidemic.
But what happens when a deadly outbreak happens in a poor, forgotten country like Liberia?

Do bleeding hearts break? 

I may be getting a little off topic here, but I still don’t understand why Thomas Duncan was allowed to come visit family in the United States during this outbreak. Why after he helped a sick, dying woman he would even think to hop on a plane…ONLY to start showing signs 5 days later AFTER arriving in the United States.

Now if air traffic has been contained as well as it had been for SARS, would this man made it to Texas through Brussels?

We have our own people, like Jesse Jackson and John Wiley, yelling out racism for a man who jumped on a plane from a country that is disease ridden after carrying a woman who died from Ebola home who couldn't wait even just one week to see if he had contracted the disease. A man who HAD to be in the United States of America within 4 DAYS of helping this dead woman to and from a hospital that would not help her either. 

You would understand this wasn’t a race thing; this was a screw up and a perfect example of the United States spending too much time sticking their noses into other people’s business and not enough time protecting their own. I am not going into a rant about how money finds its way back to itself in the pockets of the rich and not enough into protecting and caring for hospitals and schools, doctors and teachers, patients and students.

There were stupid and unforgettable mistakes made in Dallas. Mistakes that can NEVER happen again, but we still do not have air traffic containment to affected countries in Africa and that is a huge mistake as far as I am concerned, not JUST because legitimate immigrants/refugees/tourists/doctors and nurses can spread Ebola, but because terrorists could have used it to spread this disease. Remember, the Canadian government knows of at least 80 people in Canada who have links to terrorist groups in the Middle East and we just let them back in whenever they want.
As long as you can get on a plane before showing symptoms you can make it to the country you can spread the disease in that country.

Our doctors and scientists are working to control Ebola on different continents now because we have had no air traffic control coming out of the infected countries with quarantine times of at least 3 weeks of symptom free we have doctors and nurses whining about being put into quarantine because they made a decision that could affect our countries? Wow, conceited much? How dare they have the right to decide that they get to go to infected countries then turn around and come back because they have been symptom free for a few days, they do not get to decide to come back to Western civilization for their treatment either if they get sick. Stay there until the outbreak is finished or don’t go at all. This was your decision, not ours.

Putting our lives at risk is not your call, when you have been symptom free for as long as you’re supposed to be, then you can come out of quarantine. As far as I am concerned, you should never have made it on a plane to come back to North America if you were in an affected area of the world.

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