Cloaking Clouds

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Aliens are Taking Over, but Not the Ones From Outer Space.

ISIS is not new, but is it based on its Religious Beliefs or is it based on Human Greed?
For thousands of years man has seen this type of terrorism and warfare.  Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Christianity. More recent you say? British and French Rule over most of the other side of the world and North America until very recently. Even more recent you insist? The Germans tried their luck in the 1940’s.

Now we have ISIS, they have the resources and gumption to take over most Muslim countries in the Middle East and keep going if they so choose at this point in the game because our resources are becoming divided.

We give our money through oil to countries that have very wealthy citizens who support terrorist cells. ISIS is largely financed by private donations from the Gulf states Qatar and Saudi Arabia.”-

We put restrictions on one country like Russia, for helping the Russian people in the Ukraine but our government does nothing to stop our money from helping terrorist cells.

They may not officially be supported by some governments, but these terrorist groups have the resources and the connections to become well placed in our countries, enough so to cause damage and our history in warfare has proven this.

Sneaking in the back door doesn’t work; but Canada and the United States have had an open door policy to immigrants and refugees for so long that ISIS can be very well placed by now.

We already know ISIS is here in Canada. We know ISIS is in North America. They have been recruiting and we know of many who travel back and forth from these African/Middle Eastern countries while our governments have done nothing to stop them.

This is the same front door that could allow them easier access to too many areas of importance from recruiting our children to bombing buildings to stealing secrets or bio hazard materials maybe? Work hard, keep your nose down, behave and when the time comes, no one expected anything from that person.

People might think I am bat shit crazy and just a conspiracy theorist, but it isn’t like this “shit” hasn’t happened before. Now, we have proof, our people, our soldiers are being killed on our soil. Our Parliament is being attacked.

History repeats itself and those who study history learn from the mistakes made in the past.

A super power always gets too cocky for its own good; the little guy comes along, takes him out at the knees and crushes him. My examples still stand…

The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans were destroyed but it took thousands of years, when each religion started to fail because they became bloated and greedy they fell to the next Ideology that promised hope until this last dominate one, Christianity.

The same thing happened with the British, French and Russians, they held on to territories off and on for centuries in some cases, but because it was based on wealth and not on helping the common man their control over their territories has never lasted.

If you have people willing to die for a cause, terrorists, kamikazes, which ever you want to call them, they will blow themselves up taking people with them fast, stick themselves with needles or take out the more important people so their important people can walk in to take control.

While I agree that we need to deal with the issue of making sure ISIS does not go on a World Domination kick, they are here and while I may be an alarmist Canadians have to watch their backs. Canada's military needs to stay on home ground to protect its homeland.

Our people and our children are being recruited to kill their own. 15 and 16 year old girls are being recruited to become terrorists, boys and girls people, are being trained to kill us…Canadians, Americans, ANYONE that does not agree with the Muslim religion.

So is ISIS about power or religion?


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