Cloaking Clouds

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Ebola: Wanna help? Stay There!

We know deadly viruses go missing from the CDC.

Another case of missing deadly virus in France…

We handled the SARS epidemic well; air traffic was contained even though Toronto was going to lose millions. Canada and Toronto made sure that the spread of SARS was controlled, but that was when it came from another wealthy country. China had physicians and money to get control on their end of the epidemic.
But what happens when a deadly outbreak happens in a poor, forgotten country like Liberia?

Do bleeding hearts break? 

I may be getting a little off topic here, but I still don’t understand why Thomas Duncan was allowed to come visit family in the United States during this outbreak. Why after he helped a sick, dying woman he would even think to hop on a plane…ONLY to start showing signs 5 days later AFTER arriving in the United States.

Now if air traffic has been contained as well as it had been for SARS, would this man made it to Texas through Brussels?

We have our own people, like Jesse Jackson and John Wiley, yelling out racism for a man who jumped on a plane from a country that is disease ridden after carrying a woman who died from Ebola home who couldn't wait even just one week to see if he had contracted the disease. A man who HAD to be in the United States of America within 4 DAYS of helping this dead woman to and from a hospital that would not help her either. 

You would understand this wasn’t a race thing; this was a screw up and a perfect example of the United States spending too much time sticking their noses into other people’s business and not enough time protecting their own. I am not going into a rant about how money finds its way back to itself in the pockets of the rich and not enough into protecting and caring for hospitals and schools, doctors and teachers, patients and students.

There were stupid and unforgettable mistakes made in Dallas. Mistakes that can NEVER happen again, but we still do not have air traffic containment to affected countries in Africa and that is a huge mistake as far as I am concerned, not JUST because legitimate immigrants/refugees/tourists/doctors and nurses can spread Ebola, but because terrorists could have used it to spread this disease. Remember, the Canadian government knows of at least 80 people in Canada who have links to terrorist groups in the Middle East and we just let them back in whenever they want.
As long as you can get on a plane before showing symptoms you can make it to the country you can spread the disease in that country.

Our doctors and scientists are working to control Ebola on different continents now because we have had no air traffic control coming out of the infected countries with quarantine times of at least 3 weeks of symptom free we have doctors and nurses whining about being put into quarantine because they made a decision that could affect our countries? Wow, conceited much? How dare they have the right to decide that they get to go to infected countries then turn around and come back because they have been symptom free for a few days, they do not get to decide to come back to Western civilization for their treatment either if they get sick. Stay there until the outbreak is finished or don’t go at all. This was your decision, not ours.

Putting our lives at risk is not your call, when you have been symptom free for as long as you’re supposed to be, then you can come out of quarantine. As far as I am concerned, you should never have made it on a plane to come back to North America if you were in an affected area of the world.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Canadian Immigrants: Then and Now

Immigration and immigrants are a hard topic to discuss on many levels, but if we use history as an example for part of it maybe we can come to some type of common ground.

I came across an obituary where a gentleman’s father had immigrated to Canada in 1928 and was joined a year later by his wife and three oldest children. He came from a Polish/German background and came to Canada to make a better life for his family, which they did. The obituary is his son’s who was born here in Canada in 1935.

The difference between the immigrants of yesteryear and today is the changes that are being made to accommodate new immigrants and refugees.

Back then, immigrants in most cases came with nothing but the cloths on their backs and worked hard to bring their families over who also then had to work hard to make a life for themselves here in Canada, that or starve, there were no handouts, grants or health care.
While we have progressed in the last one hundred years and can help those who desperately need it, those immigrants from the past came to Canada knowing what they wanted and worked hard to achieve it.
Which was a new start, in a new land, they knew that the laws would be different and if they were to break those laws it was back to where ever they came from now, not after hearings and delays. If they broke a law they were kicked out of our country no “ifs, ands or buts” about it.

In the past they came here for all sorts of change, from being able to farm land to explore to starting a business, immigrants over the last one hundred years have tried and succeeded in adapting to Canada’s way of life.

They settled into Canada, not the other way around.

 Immigrants came here because of what Canada offered…a better life. They saw what Canada was about and wanted to be a part of it, not try to change it. These immigrants became CANADIAN.
 They worked hard to help Canada become a great nation that was known for its generosity, its patriotism, its kindness and its military stance as PEACE KEEPERS.

But today we are finding new immigrants coming to Canada and want to CHANGE Canada. They want Canada to be the way their old country is in their laws and religions. They want Canada to defend their rights but they will not allow us to be Canadian.

A good example is if you apply for a social benefit in Saskatchewan you are classed as OTHER if you are Canadian. There is no box to mark if you are born and raised here in Canada. There is a box if you are a native, but even if you are 4th, 5th, 6th generation Canadian…DO NOT say you are a Native Canadian that is a no-no. There is a box if you are an immigrant, well if your great grandparents have been in Canada you are no longer classed as an immigrant. Métis and Refugee both have boxes to check, but alas if you are a born and bred Canadian looking for a “handout” you are classed as an OTHER as far as the Government of Saskatchewan is concerned.

Our traditions are questioned, saying “Merry Christmas” is frowned upon for fear of offending someone other than a Christian and our laws are being changed to accommodate instead of immigrants learning to adapt to our way of life. Unlike with past immigrants, new immigrants are the ones who are changing our society and this is where many people in ALL of North America have the problem.

So why can immigrants today not adapt to Canadian life like in yesteryear…because we allow them to change our society. We allow the changes to happen.

Other countries have allowed these same immigrants into their countries but have said, “NOPE, these are our laws, these are our traditions, this is our society…conform or leave.” They either conform or they come to Canada, where they are allowed to tell Canadians that we are not allowed to say or do this or that and if we do, we are RACIST.  

We are “racist” if we believe that immigrants should be adapting to Canadian Law and Canadian Ways which are now being changed to say that we are being racist by saying they need to adapt to Canadian law and Canadian way.

We do not believe that immigrants should have to give up their religions or their beliefs. Many of us do however believe that they can keep it to themselves for instance...

Inequality is flowing deeply for Canadians, Why would it be ok for a Muslim woman to where a burka, which is not a religious garment, in government photo ID but I am not allowed to wear a baseball cap? Muslim boys are allowed to wear a Kirpan to school but my son cannot carry a Swiss army knife to school...a knife is a knife is a knife. Religious or not, it will kill someone if it is stuck into them.

Our country is about equality, so women have as many rights as men, women do not have to hide themselves here in Canada behind clothing, and with terrorists traveling left, right and center, hiding behind black clothing from head to toe with only eye slits makes people suspicious. How do I know you are a woman and how do I know you do not have a huge gun under those cloths? Trust is a huge thing and when you come here making demands but give little in return, like getting rid of the demeaning clothing, I am not going to trust that you have Canada’s best interests at heart.

Our country is about tolerance, we allow religions to build their temples and practice their religions freely, ALL religions have this right here in Canada respect that or go back to where ever you came from. Canada was founded on Christian beliefs, you may not agree with those beliefs and some of those beliefs may even be outdated, but this is Canada you can take it or leave it we are not going to change our belief system that has done us just fine over the last 150 years just because you say so. Pack your bags and head home if you don’t like the Christian values this country was born from.
Our country is about peace, over the last few decades wars that are being drawn out in countries overseas have been dragging Canada’s military into fighting battles. When you come to Canada, you leave that behind and become CANADIAN, do not beg our government to save your country. You want to save it, go back and fight for it.

Canada’s military has been known World Wide for its peace keeping missions, now we are becoming as hated as the American military because of our interference into other countries ideologies. That interference is from different causes, one of them being from new immigrants insisting we fight the battle that is going on in their countries, maybe?

What I do not understand, if it is that important why are these people not staying and fighting for their country themselves? That doesn’t sound very patriotic to the old country or the new one. Not something a Canadian from yesteryear would have done. Many of which went to war against their neighbors during the World Wars, as CANADIANS.

Some of us Canadians do believe that if immigrants thought that Canada was great enough to immigrate to then they shouldn’t have the right to try to change it.

If they truly want to live with the laws and lifestyle that they came from without the danger, they need to return to their home countries and fight for their freedom without coming to Canada and changing our society to suit them.  

I am not saying that new immigrants do not work hard or do not deserve to be here; I am saying that immigrants in the past did not have things handed to them like grants and loans to help upgrade their education so they can find better jobs here than they would in their old countries, health care to pay for medical bills that never would have happened in their old countries or help bringing family over from their old countries, help to support those family members and an education for their children.
These are the things that aggravate Canadians, we have to adapt to the immigrants lifestyles but they get the benefits of being Canadian and Canada is being changed to suit the majority of immigrants and refugees, who seem to be coming from the Middle East.

While many Canadians that were born and raised here need to start being more grateful for what they have, new immigrants need to appreciate that they are coming to a country that has great qualities, this country does not need to be changed. They wouldn’t be here otherwise.

If we are going to set a law, the law has to stand for ALL people, no exceptions. Race and Religion should not come into the picture EVER.

We are all human beings, which is all that matters…not race, not religion, not sexual orientation…nothing matters but that we are human.


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Anyone hear of the word PROPAGANDA?

It isn’t just used by terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda or the Soviets during the Cold War to bring in their recruits; it is also used as scare tactics by our governments to keep citizens in line against terrorists.

Ever wonder what drives people to become terrorists? We are told they are mentally ill, they are freaks, their ideology is whacked, but did you ever stop to think what it could actually be to cause someone to come to the point where they are willing to die for those beliefs?

Christians did it for thousands of years. Christ himself died on the cross for his beliefs. No he didn’t kill anyone but his “religion” eventually did. It has killed millions of people over thousands of years, it condemned “witches” that saved lives, it abused children in grotesque ways and it hordes money in massive amounts.

We condemn the Karan for words that are written in it, but many do not condemn the Bible for those same beliefs that are printed in older versions, that were “re-written”.

Religion has no purpose on Earth; it has caused too much strife, too much death and too much heart ache. People do not know how to control their tempers on how to allow their neighbor to believe in some other religion that does not agree with their own.

That is IF this is based on religion.

If ISIS or any other terrorist organization is trying to “help” the poor by attacking the big bad guys who rape and pillage the land, well those terrorist organizations will always find the help they need in the poor, in the oppressed and in the people who are just fed up with the garbage our governments are trying to feed us.

Those terrorist organizations find the poor, the sick and the needy and say, “We are here to take it away from the big businesses/corporations/governments and give it back to those of you who work hard for it. We are only looking out for the little guys.”They are the Robin hoods of this century, only they have weapons of mass destruction where 3 or 4 hundred years ago well a bow and arrow or an axe had to do.

While we have those big businesses/corporations/governments yelling that the terrorists need to be put down like the mad dogs they are. These are the people who do not want us knowing that the terrorists are human beings who have been trying for years to tell the world that they have had enough of our governments’ interference, our government’s invasions and our corporations taking from their people the only thing they have to support them…Oil.

I have a few questions for Canadians, what would us little pee-on Canadians do if our government and our big corporations stopped doing ANY good for us?

 All the money that we paid them in taxes and all the money we gave them-from spending at the pump to the money we put in their tills-all went straight into their pockets with no relief at all? No royalties, no donations, no nothing?  

What if health care and education were not available at all for ANY of our citizens?

What if we did not make enough money to put food on our tables to feed our children or cloth our children or medicate our children? What if we didn’t have tables or beds for that matter?

What if we saw people on the other side of the world receiving these things but complaining constantly about those things?

 Would we see them as gluttonous and ungrateful?

We can say, oh but we would never do that…but can we really say that?

We do not live in a third world country where it is desert for the most part. Where our children starve most days and go without medical attention for common diseases. We have clean running water, garbage collection, medical care because we pay taxes that go towards these things.

But we also see that demonstrating does not work, police shut that down. We see petitioning does not work, corporations and governments ignore them. Terrorism has worked in the past, during biblical times, and it works now. It brings the attention that the people, human beings, want to the forefront.

Does it mean that the terrorists are crazy lunatics? No, it means they have lost sight of how to get their point to the world.

 It means the world has stopped listening to what is important.

 It means us, the ones who can make the changes, have lost sight to what is important.

What is important is that we stop judging each other on what we have, what religion we choose to practice, and who we choose to love.

It means we start to help our neighbors and pull together instead of building temples only a select few are privileged to enter, we stop hording treasures in churches and we stop hiding billions of dollars in banks on the other side of the world and owning billion dollar trinkets…just because we can.

Stop the greed that human nature has put in our path to control our desire and learn to control the greed. People do not have to live without; people do not have to live with billions of dollars.

Did anyone ever think that maybe, just MAYBE some of these “terrorists” would like for their people to be taken care of in their countries but everything goes to the rich and corrupt in their countries and in ours while their children and grandchildren suffer but  we are told otherwise through propaganda by our governments? 
We really do not hear the whole story people, only what they want us to hear.

It might be me being full of shit, but I think back to what every war has been about, oppression, lost dignity and the propaganda on both sides feeding the wars and it makes me wonder what the true story is…

Remember, there is two sides to a story and the truth.

fyi. I am not affiliated with any religion nor ever will be. My views are based on the research I have been doing over the last few years.

Aliens are Taking Over, but Not the Ones From Outer Space.

ISIS is not new, but is it based on its Religious Beliefs or is it based on Human Greed?
For thousands of years man has seen this type of terrorism and warfare.  Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Christianity. More recent you say? British and French Rule over most of the other side of the world and North America until very recently. Even more recent you insist? The Germans tried their luck in the 1940’s.

Now we have ISIS, they have the resources and gumption to take over most Muslim countries in the Middle East and keep going if they so choose at this point in the game because our resources are becoming divided.

We give our money through oil to countries that have very wealthy citizens who support terrorist cells. ISIS is largely financed by private donations from the Gulf states Qatar and Saudi Arabia.”-

We put restrictions on one country like Russia, for helping the Russian people in the Ukraine but our government does nothing to stop our money from helping terrorist cells.

They may not officially be supported by some governments, but these terrorist groups have the resources and the connections to become well placed in our countries, enough so to cause damage and our history in warfare has proven this.

Sneaking in the back door doesn’t work; but Canada and the United States have had an open door policy to immigrants and refugees for so long that ISIS can be very well placed by now.

We already know ISIS is here in Canada. We know ISIS is in North America. They have been recruiting and we know of many who travel back and forth from these African/Middle Eastern countries while our governments have done nothing to stop them.

This is the same front door that could allow them easier access to too many areas of importance from recruiting our children to bombing buildings to stealing secrets or bio hazard materials maybe? Work hard, keep your nose down, behave and when the time comes, no one expected anything from that person.

People might think I am bat shit crazy and just a conspiracy theorist, but it isn’t like this “shit” hasn’t happened before. Now, we have proof, our people, our soldiers are being killed on our soil. Our Parliament is being attacked.

History repeats itself and those who study history learn from the mistakes made in the past.

A super power always gets too cocky for its own good; the little guy comes along, takes him out at the knees and crushes him. My examples still stand…

The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans were destroyed but it took thousands of years, when each religion started to fail because they became bloated and greedy they fell to the next Ideology that promised hope until this last dominate one, Christianity.

The same thing happened with the British, French and Russians, they held on to territories off and on for centuries in some cases, but because it was based on wealth and not on helping the common man their control over their territories has never lasted.

If you have people willing to die for a cause, terrorists, kamikazes, which ever you want to call them, they will blow themselves up taking people with them fast, stick themselves with needles or take out the more important people so their important people can walk in to take control.

While I agree that we need to deal with the issue of making sure ISIS does not go on a World Domination kick, they are here and while I may be an alarmist Canadians have to watch their backs. Canada's military needs to stay on home ground to protect its homeland.

Our people and our children are being recruited to kill their own. 15 and 16 year old girls are being recruited to become terrorists, boys and girls people, are being trained to kill us…Canadians, Americans, ANYONE that does not agree with the Muslim religion.

So is ISIS about power or religion?