We have grown by 2 billion
people since I was a child. I have four children…two were born by another mother,
but I helped raise them, they are a part of me spiritually.
With more people we need more
food. With more people we need to stop worrying about our mortality and start
enjoying the life we have been given.
Diseases are horrible.
I was not at my best friend, Tracy’s,
side while she had to give her 4 ½ year old son, Trey, chemo every day for 2 ½ years
(only a mother of a cancer child can eat and clean up puke at the same time) we
were in different provinces, at 8 he is in remission…knock on wood he stays
that way for the rest of his life, but there are no guarantees.
She knows this, his father
knows this, the family knows this and his siblings know this. They prepared
themselves very early for the negative outlook because it was always possible
they would lose this beautiful little boy. That possibility exists everyday for
every person.
We do not know if we will live to see our grandchildren or if we
will only live to see our mother and fathers faces.
We have to enjoy the time we
are given.
I was there when my mother
went through her cancer treatments. Her treatments were very different then my nephews,
as I consider Trey. Her cancer treatments were not as insidious as Treys were. She
was sick through them, but the side effects were nowhere near as drastic as
what my little nephew went through.
The type of cancer my mother
had is very RARE. I want that stated before telling you who they usually find
this type of cancer in. So rare that it is found in maybe 1 in 1 million people,
realistically that would mean about 7000 people on Earth MAY contract this type of cancer…those people are usually farmers
or people who work with farming products.
For the very few years my parents
were together my father worked at a grain mill in Medicine Hat before passing
away in 1979 in a car accident, he also grew up and worked as a farmer/rancher. While it is rarer than my
nephew’s type of cancer, it was also easier and more tolerable to treat than
what this little boy had to go through.
I also want to point out our
farm was not far from a Canadian/British military base that tested chemical
warfare for many years. We do not know what kinds of chemicals were discharged
that more then likely seeped into the ground and into the water supply (Our well water was unfit
for human or animal consumption) and we will never know, so blaming farming
chemicals for my mother’s cancer is mute as we have no clue what kind of
chemicals were used on the military base for years.
(also, those people who may have to deal with the type of cancer my mother had to would be from the developed world, where we need to cultivate food by massive amounts, not third world countries where pesticides/herbicides are too expensive for peasants and they do not grow food with machinery that is bigger than their homes.)
We have 7 billion people on
this Earth. Some are going to get sick; we know this from history, we know this
from genetics. Realistically we cannot segregate ourselves in society all
together, those who keep complaining about this chemical causing problems with
the reproductive system or that chemical causing cancer may have the money, the know-how and the land to do so, but the rest of society does not.
We can stop growing food faster
by not using food that is Genetically Engineered, but then how do we feed the massive amount of people at minimum amount of money?
Do most people know what
Genetically Modified means when it comes to the food you eat? Some actually
believe that human DNA is placed into our food supply…not true.
It helps our food grow faster;
it helps our food become disease resistant; those tomatoes wouldn't last as
long on the shelf or in your fridge if they were not genetically modified. GMO
has been happening for centuries. By the way, those seeds you planted in your
garden are more than likely genetically manipulated at some point in time.
(The sites I use have both
pros and cons to the GMO debate; I will always try use sites that do this on
any topic. People deserve to “own” the choice they support. It is easy to find
things on any topic, finding all the information, good and bad, however is
something you have to take the time to research and many don’t take the time)
Can I ask, with the amount of
people on this Earth, what is the problem with Genetically Engineered food?
Some people are going to be susceptible
to these things, just like some people are susceptible to peanuts or have
severe allergies to animals. I have cousins who could not be around cats or
they ended up in an emergency room with a life threatening asthma attack. Let’s
say you are allergic to nuts and something is modified with a nut, like
soybeans, you may have a reaction.
I have been fed; I have lived
42 years, 22 years of those with beautiful children who I love dearly.
I am 14 years older then my father was when he died. I enjoy every
day that I am healthy and I fight my battle with my disease when I am sick so I
can enjoy better days with my children and grandchildren, but I am alive now to
enjoy those days. If I become sick because of the food that has kept me alive, so be it.
One thing people who keep
fighting against GMOs and pesticides/herbicides keep forgetting…we all are
going to die one day. If one of my kids or grand kids becomes a statistic, I
will drop what I am doing and be there for them night and day.
Am I going to scream from the
roof tops that Monsanto needs to pay for my heartache? No.
Am I going to yell that the
government has to do something about GMOs having to be labeled on food? No.
We are human beings, which
means mortality. We are only given so long on this planet we call Earth. If it isn't one thing that brings on our death, it will be another…it does not mean
we will live longer or be able to reproduce or not have the same battles to survive
from but from different reasons.
Now does that mean I give free reign to companies to poison us? No. This
has to do with feeding the MASSIVE population on the Earth. Not companies
dumping toxic waste into our oceans.
We all have battles to
The child that these people
claim will never have children because they ate food that had “Round-Up”
sprayed on it, may end up in a car accident and have that very same problem. We
never know, some believe it is called destiny, that there are reasons for everything
we go through.
We should be grateful that we
are able to afford the food that is in our bellies and nourishes our bodies. We eat what we can afford, unless you can make organic farmers lower the cost of their food, that is reality.
I was told as a child, and many
of us were, there are people in this world who would love to have the food that
was on my plate.
Genetically modified, sprayed with chemicals it kept me from
starving to death. It keeps me nourished and alive now. I would never want to
know the feeling of starvation or cancer for that matter, but starvation can be
helped with genetically modified food.
We grow, we adapt.
Not all people are going to
live to a ripe old age and die in their sleep. We are given every day to live
we are not promised a future. Eating food is a luxury in some countries,
genetically modified and sprayed with chemicals or not.
Stop complaining about the
We need to be grateful for what we have. Civilizations have been
lost because they could not sustain the massive populations. They did
not have the technology we have today.
If you don’t want to eat food
that has chemicals on them or is Genetically Engineered and can afford the organic foods that are sold
or if you have the time and space to grow your own garden that is great,
remember though, those seeds you are growing could have been altered at some
With 7 billion people and 2
billion more expected by 2050 there really isn't much else we can do that is affordable
for the masses because those people on the streets, those people that have
their ribs showing through their skin…they won’t care a damn bit if a chemical
is sprayed on the food that is handed to them or if the food is modified to make
enough so they can eat.
Mankind plunks itself down
into one spot, lets itself grow until it explodes at its seam and then starts
crying when smart people say, “This is what we need to do to survive…some will
get sick, some will survive, some will die.”
There are too many starving people who really do not give one damn bit what chemical is on their food, if it means their children don't starve to death before their first birthday and they get to spend even 10 years with their children to watch them play, something we take for granted...they may die of cancer, later, but they got to spend some time with their children.
People want to protect others from disease by not using chemicals or genetically modifying foods thus adding to the population of the Earth which is already bursting with people that are not being fed by the food being produced as it is, does this make any sense?
My view is, unless you can feed the Worlds growing population I suggest you Put up or Shut up.
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