Cloaking Clouds

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Charity Lotteries

Charity lotteries are a great way to generate money for organizations. The bonus is that people win prizes.

Many people would love to be able to help, but because of the cost of the tickets, can’t.

Donating ten dollars here and there to charities like Heart and Stroke or Diabetes can make a person feel good, but sometimes those of us who like to donate would like the chance to win something as well. Just like those who have the money to donate to the bigger charity events, like home lotteries, but cannot because the tickets are just too much money for us to spend.

My question is, why?

Why are lotteries such as these only for the people who have an extra few hundred dollars a month to spend on a charity event when there are those who could and would like to donate and would like to win the prizes but just do not have the kind of cash that the wealthy have to donate?

I get only so many tickets are printed and the charity has to make so much money to promote and pay employees for the event, but why are ALL charity event tickets between 50 to 100 dollars in Saskatchewan or anywhere for that matter?

There are so many people out there that would love the chance to donate and win a house, a truck and trailer, 50/50 draw, etc. but do not get the chance because of the cost of the tickets.

Why not print more tickets and reduce the cost giving more people the chance to buy the tickets?

Your odds are not as good, but more people who do not otherwise have a chance, get one. The 50/50 would generate just as much money or more as well.

I also do not understand why homes have to be worth over a million dollars. One, the taxes would be outrageous and I wouldn't want to see utility bills and two, why not a few homes worth 4 or 5 hundred thousand?

A new family starting out who do not have a hundred dollars, but might have $25 might have the chance to win a brand new home for themselves; they never have to worry about house payments.

A couple who have bad credit but can put twenty bucks towards a ticket to win a 4x4 may get the chance to never have to worry about being gouged by truck payments.

What a surprise and a relief it would be for them, but the way lotteries work, they are mostly for those who can already afford the prizes that will be awarded.

I understand that I shouldn't be able to afford to donate or buy a one hundred dollar ticket to win a million dollar home since I live on a disability pension. I live off the taxpayers, so what right do I have to win something as expensive as a 4x4 with a boat, a million dollar home or a 50/50 draw?

The poor are not allowed to enjoy nice things, even if they win them or if someone gives them something nice.

I don’t understand why tickets to charity lotteries are so expensive that only those who have few extra hundred dollars a month can afford to spend can donate and have the chance to win nice prizes. That is why I ask.

It has never felt right to me that only those who have disposable income are allowed to donate and win lotteries while those who could use those prizes cannot even afford the ticket to try. 


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