Cloaking Clouds

Monday, 12 May 2014

Those Who Don't Have, Don't Always ENVY Those Who Do

Why is it that people who have “things” and can go “places” believe that those who don’t are jealous of them?

Those who have money believe that those who don’t have to feel ENVY.

Well you are so far from the truth is amazes me.

My siblings all do very well for themselves. They work very hard at their careers and they enjoy the fruits of their labors. I am very happy for them, but I have never envied their lifestyles; I have never been jealous of what they have accomplished, even though they, at least one of them has said, that they believe I envy what they have. 

Do I expect to receive the same amount on a disability pension as my siblings and their spouses receive for the work they do? No. Never have. Never will. I have survived on less than 20 thousand dollars a year for the last 20 years...that is while I worked and while I was on disability. I have survived and never once envied my siblings "things".

While they are very happy with their lives and will tell you that, they have their issues just like I have mine. Their issues are not financial like mine. Everyone has growing pains throughout their lives, it is called living.

Whether my family believes me or not, I am happy with my life, I have to be or I end up back in a hole and that is not good. 

Financially it is difficult, that is part of life not everyone gets to take holidays to other countries. (Taking the chance of being killed in some...Mexico isn't the nicest place to visit for Canadians of late or bringing back diseases...China has sent some wicked diseases over the last few decades)

I see my life as, I have been a full time mom. My daughter has had me at home making sure her chores and homework are accomplished. She isn't on the computer all day and night. I know where my 13 year old daughter is, she isn't running around all night doing drugs. She is getting good grades. I have very good reasons to be proud of my daughter. 

My son, while he lives with his dad, has someone to talk to anytime he wants…he isn't put on hold because a client is in the room or because I have an emergency on the other line. I cannot control where he goes and what he does he is 17, but I know he isn't breaking the law. I know he has been raised to respect his elders and he is a big boy now at 17, if he has an issue, he will speak up and deal with it himself not get mommy or daddy to deal for him.

Money isn't as important to me as people like to think, I might talk about how money is an issue for the poor, I use my income as an example, but there are those WAY worse off then me and I know it. 

I would rather be there for those that matter to me the most. I would rather have that cup of coffee for a half hour visit with my daughter and grandson then own things, those things you cannot take with you when you are dead…but the memories you leave behind are always more important. 

Thank you to those of you who make me realize that money isn't worth the problems that go with it and to those of you who keep making me remember why you are not part of my life…Envy isn't in my heart…only love for those who matter. 

 Just a rant today people...

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