Cloaking Clouds

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


For 44 years the Progressive Conservatives have ruled Alberta. I believe all that needed to be done were 2 basic things in order for either a Progressive Conservative minority win or a Wildrose minority win. 

For the Progressives to have had Redford prosecuted like the Canadian senators. No IFS, ANDs, or BUTS about it. 

She took the Albertan taxpayers for millions and got away with it and the PCs allowed it. The gluttony of the Progressive Conservatives at its best shined through and allowing Ms. Redford to get away with abusing her title of Premier, that alone threw the voters in Alberta into defiance.

Danielle Smith screwed the Wildrose party so badly crossing the floor AFTER Redford burned the taxpayers. It was her biggest political mistake and she will go down in history as the dumbest leader of the opposition. 

The Wildrose Party would have taken this election BECAUSE of Redford, had the defectors not crossed the floor. They burned their bridges doing so and made it possible for a majority New Democratic Party win.

Albertans have shown that they are fed up with Progressive Conservative gluttony and with the Wildrose untrustworthiness...Liberals will not rule in Alberta and the Alberta Party are too new. 

With the defection of the Wildrose party leader and cohorts, Albertans saw a coalition between the Wildrose and the PCs happening if either had a minority government in this election and too many decided they did not want to see that happen, because of course…NOTHING gets done with a minority government and you end up going back to the polls in a year anyways with a minority government. 

With a minority NDP government the Wildrose and the PCs could have had a coalition to block anything that the New Democrats tried to do, even any good.

Change has to happen. Is this a good change? I have no clue, I have never lived with an NDP government, but that is not to say every NDP provincial leader cannot learn from the mistakes that others have made in other provinces.

All we can do is hope that the government is smart enough to do what only needs to be done and not overstep their bounds.

I know that the New Democrats like crown corporations, but…
Leave the roads and financing for the roads ALONE.

Leave the things that are working ALONE…

They are working and do not need your fingers in the mix.


Taxation has to be in degrees. Someone who makes $12/hour should not be paying the same tax rate as someone making $500/hour, but that person making $500/hour should not be paying more in taxes than corporations that are making billions and then laughing with their money as they run away.

Small business owners should not be paying huge amounts of money in taxes, like corporations, where they cannot make ends meet. These are the people who are hiring locals, paying employment benefits and pension plans, they do not deserve that. Keep taxes low for the small business owners.

But it is time for corporations to start paying their due. 

For instance, those heavy equipment operators drive huge trucks carrying huge loads of other equipment up and down highways; those highways take a beating from those trucks. You can see it in Saskatchewan. These companies are making billions off of the resources of our provinces and not putting money back into them. They use our roads to transport their heavy equipment and their oil.

The highways were not prepared for the Oil sands being opened to Oil companies in Saskatchewan and they are taking a thrashing. The Oil trucks were going 24/7 on these highways beating the crap out of them...That is where I stand by my statement of…


Good luck NDP, you have the chance to make history with a GOOD socialist government example here in Canada. 

Don't screw it up.

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