Is it time for Canada’s oil sector to become publically
While I do not agree with publically owned businesses like
the liquor board and the care of roads for transportation department, I believe
that government run oil industry may be the way to go to keep our economy
running, jobs going and job creation.
With less reliance on the United States for refinement we
would create and keep jobs here in Canada instead of shipping them to the
United States, a country that has become hostile towards our oil while they
still support oil from countries that support terrorists.
Saskatchewan’s potash is doing so well it makes me wonder how
well Canada’s oil sands would do if we were to kick the oil companies off the
land and the provinces started producing it themselves.
Before this happens one huge deal would have to be done and
that is building our own refineries close enough to the oil sands so that
transport would not be a bigger issue than what Keystone is causing.
I realize
we have the environmentalists’ screaming already at my blog that refineries are
pollutants and that no one wants to live by them…we have so much land in Canada
where no one lives and no one wants to live and until our reliance on oil and gas comes to a halt, we have to suck it up that everything from our vehicles to the computers we own use this type of energy to make and use.
Many people commute to the oil sands and work for weeks away
from home, the same cannot be done for jobs at refineries?
Strict regulations need to be made in order for pipelines to run to those refineries, oil spills do not need to happen damaged pipes need attention immediately. A government run oil and gas industry could make sure of this.
Creation of these jobs would also
create stability in the economy. These jobs would also be higher paying, stable
employment…something governments need to be making right now.
With all the jobs lost because of
oil companies shutting their doors, this would be the perfect time to say ADIOS
to these crooked companies that are only here to make money off Canadas resources and at the same time make Canada look like the bad guys to the rest of the world.
All the profit would come to Canada, it would fix our roads, educate our children and put food on the tables of many people who crooked companies have now laid off.
The Alberta and Saskatchewan
governments could put people back to work; these governments could start making
money again. They could do it by making the oil and gas industry a Publically
Owned Company. They could keep this industry from down turns every 5-10 years
by making it a publically owned company.
They could invest in their government’s
future and their constituent’s futures by getting oil companies, that do not
care about the workers or the people of this country, out of our country and
taking over the production and refinement its own oil and gas.
These companies keep saying that if royalties are too high they won't stay, well...lets call them on that.
We do not need these companies; yes
it may be easier to have them do the work…but is it better? Hard work makes everything more worthwhile. Doing things the easy way, may be easy...but it isn't right.
Obviously it isn’t better to have companies
that keep destroying our economy when they feel like it by laying off thousands
of people and treating of them like crap only to have the government have to
support these people while the market is down.
Controlling our own oil and gas
industry makes sense, doesn't it?
Let's put our oil and gas industry back to work under government run, build our own refineries, creating jobs here in Canada and say good bye to reliance on Companies who sell out Canada when it serves them.
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