I am no economist. I have a layman's knowledge of the stock market
so will admit that I know absolutely nothing about what can and cannot help
Canada grow.
But I notice that every time the Canadian Government and big
banks allow the Canadian Dollar to drop so much lower than the American Dollar we
see massive job loss, box store closures, everything from a loaf of bread to fuel cost rise, and the cost of a barrel of oil drops.
In other words, we see recession.
We need to keep our dollar strong and obviously the Harper
government no longer wants to do this.
Before you vote this next federal election inform yourself. Make sure that you know the parties, make sure you know their values. People believe that there is only one party for them, that you are either Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, Green, etc.
It does not work that way.
Your beliefs are your own, you may have some beliefs that are liberal and some that are conservative and maybe even one or two that are socialist or green.
What each person has to figure out for themselves is which Party best represents their beliefs and values. Each party has good and bad points, they will trash each other and they will undo each other's work, but sometimes good comes from change.
Different parties are needed to represent all because not all are just liberal, conservative or socialist. I know I have views from each and every party and have a very difficult decision this next election.
This is the reason I was so passionately upset about the Reform Party of Canada ultimately drowning themselves into the Conservatives.
Their constituents voted them in on their values and beliefs, I was one of them. If those people wanted a Conservative representing them as an MP they would have voted for the Conservative Representative.
But Members of Parliament like Monte Solberg were hired by Reformist voters. Reform means change, conservative doesn't. So as far as I am concerned the voters who won the election in those areas were not represented at all and a bi-election should have been called in ALL those areas where those MPs crossed the floor.
Again, especially to the younger generations...this is your country, you have to live here for the next 50-80 years...What do you want to see in your government?
Remember, do not be afraid to hire a different type of government, they only have power for 4 years. Yes, damage can be done, but most times it can be undone...particularly by a new government.