When our working poor are making the same amount as they did 40 years ago, but the price of everything from homes to vehicles has been marked up at least 100%, how do you expect the working poor to get ahead at all?
My children are making the same amount as their grandparents and great grandparents did in the '70s, They do not have to deal with the cost of a home being $15,000-$30,000 to purchase and rent it isn't $100-$500 a month but having to deal with the housing of $150,000-$500,000 to buy and to rent being as high as $3000 a month.
We have stopped producing low earners.
This may sound like the stupidest thing anyone has heard, but
I began to wonder why someone would have to work 3 jobs. I understand the money
situation and that there are that many low paying positions available, but I
also started considering WHY?
Baby boomers parents came from a generation where their
parents were sometimes having 7 to 20 children. For instance, my grandmother
came from a family of 13 children with the loss of twins at the start of the
family. That is a lot of workers and while they are retired now, some are still
My grandmother’s generation, because many families grew up
with so many children, did not have a lot of extras, so they tried to install in
their children how important it was to earn a good wage, not work at those jobs
that you are only making minimum wage; which is important. She and grandpa only
had 4 children and that was called the Baby Boomer years. Now that is Funny.
So we went from 7-20 children in a poor to middle base
incomes to 3-6 children in that same class base.
Baby Boomers, how many children did you have? I believe if
you look at the average household of baby boomers that are on the verge of
retiring at an income of $75,000+/year at this time in their life they will have
0 to 4 children.
Again, a drop in the procreation of the working poor/middle
class, why?
Two things happen when we do this. The first, because the
working poor do not make much, we teach our children from an early age that they
need to get into a profession that will make them money, eg. Get into politics, lawyer, dentist, doctors, professional
sports, a trade…something that is going to support them and their family better than how they lived and how their parents lived and so on.
Because minimum wage is only a quarter of what a lowest paid
professional would make, NO ONE wants to do those jobs.
So what happens, many of those baby boomer children and many
of those children of the baby boomers become professionals.
We are left with minimum paying jobs that instead of having 7
to 20 workers doing we now have 2 to 4 workers doing, which is actually
less because many of those 2 to 4 workers have become professionals and are in
the middle to rich classes.
We know children cost money, so we don’t have as many. We don’t
have as many so we are not repopulating the work force.
Those who are living in the working poor are not able to do
things like:
Pay bills on time many times
Buy any type of home
Have our cars fixed so we can get to work safely
without going into debt or putting aside another bill
Save for our retirements
Save for a rainy day
Go on vacations…which does not bother us, it is just a
point I want to make clear that if you can do this, save, and pay bills…you
aren’t poor you are middle class.
Pay for extracurricular activities for children
My generation, Generation X and the last of the Baby Boomers,
have been accused of flooding the work force with working poor who are now
living off the Middle/Rich class taxpayers. If that were true we wouldn't need immigrant workers now would we?
I have 2 children and two step children that I helped
support. My older two have a different mother. They are in their early 20’s. Their
careers, for the most part, rely on the oil industry.
My daughter has been laid off. She was on maternity leave
last year so will get nothing from Employment Insurance, or at least very
little. Her significant other has been laid off as well, but they will be
making a quarter of their income on Employment Insurance, if not less. That is
working poor.
Could they better themselves, you bet, but who will be doing
their jobs? And really, Why should they have to? Their jobs are just as
important as anyone other persons. A lawyer could not do my daughter or my
son-in-laws jobs properly without the training, so why are they paid such a
great deal less? Is their job easier? You don’t have to be as “educated”, but
that doesn't mean it is easier.
My son says he will be fine he is still working, but I still
worry because not long ago he was in a car accident where he was rear
ended and he had to live off his savings for a while, which is now gone.
My son, 17, is graduating this year. He really enjoys welding
and we have encouraged him to follow that career. It doesn't guarantee he will
be middle class, but it does mean he may be one of those higher paid working
poor, so instead of making $10 an hour he might make $30.
Will they have children?
My daughter is 13, but she is adamant that she in no way
shape or form wants children, which can change, she is young.
But again…This means less people going into the work force if
she still feels this way in 10 to 20 years.
Yes, some in these generations have had more children. While I only helped support and raise 4 children, my best friend has helped support and raise 9 in total in some way shape or form. But on average, we are not having as many children.
Yes, some in these generations have had more children. While I only helped support and raise 4 children, my best friend has helped support and raise 9 in total in some way shape or form. But on average, we are not having as many children.
We are doing it to ourselves.
We are allowing our working poor to live on less because we
believe they deserve less.
So those who are the working poor have fewer children to fill
those working poor jobs or teach their few children to go for professional jobs
to get out of the rut of being the working poor, not a bad thing but still
causing a shortage in the number of people working those teaching, nursing, janitor,
bus driver, Wal-mart, fast-food positions.
I will give you a hint, if Costco can pay their workers a
living wage and benefits and if other countries can make businesses pay living
wages…our “democratic” governments can make Wal-mart and McDonalds as well.
What are the benefits of companies like Wal-mart paying
living wages and benefits?
Your tax dollars do not go to paying for the working poor
living off the system…BONUS!
Those children that my generation and the generations of
working poor after me would not need your tax dollars for the basics of life
like groceries and utilities so that we can fix our vehicles to get to those
jobs without having to worry about the car dying, the furnace quitting or the toilet plugging up if they were paid a living wage.
Your tax dollars should then be put into Canada Pension
Plan/Social Security, education, taking care of our military peoples, health
care, transportation, job creation, Right?
They are asking for enough not to have to
worry about the car, the baby or the house, the food, the utilities...and they shouldn't have to.